
“I want to make sure you know how awesome you are. I never felt like I was confused or lost in the surrogacy process because you answered all my questions.

I know being on call all the time is super hard, but it paid off because you always responded immediately, and I felt incredibly well taken care of.

Thanks Amber, from the bottom of my heart. I know that our paths will cross again so this is not goodbye.”


“I have worked with Amber Deming for several years and I have always been deeply impressed with her dedication and commitment to the surrogacy process. Amber has always been kind, patient, understanding and supportive to all of our mutual clients. Anyone who has the opportunity to work with Amber will certainly be happy with the results!”

-Sharon LaMothe

LaMothe Services, LLC

Seattle, WA

“Regardless of where you live, Amber can walk beside you on your surrogacy journey. I have had the pleasure of working with Amber on multiple projects and always appreciate her wealth of knowledge, professionalism, and amazing personality. Highly recommend!”

-Melenie Duval

Goodnight Baby, LLC Montana

CEO, Night Nanny, Sleep Coach, Advanced Lactation Consultant

“I had the pleasure of working closely with Amber and witnessing firsthand her love, dedication, professionalism, and unwavering commitment to our clients. Amber’s personal experience with surrogacy, having gone through every step herself, gives her a unique perspective and understanding of this intricate process. This firsthand knowledge allows her to deeply connect with her clients, providing them with the necessary support and guidance throughout their surrogacy journey. Her empathy and genuine care shine through in every interaction. She possesses a wealth of knowledge, and her exceptional communication skills enable her to explain these complex concepts in a clear and concise manner. Amber consistently prioritizes her clients’ best interests and goes above and beyond to meet their needs, making her an outstanding partner in your exciting journey.”

-Laura Maxson

"Amber is a true gem! Although I was absolutely sure of my desire and ability to surrogate, I knew that I didn’t want to navigate the details on my own. Amber stepped in and thoroughly explained each step of the process. She used her time and energy to make sure that I felt secure and comfortable at every stage. Amber’s support led to one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life.

Having Amber as a mentor, guide, advocate, and coordinator throughout the process allowed me to focus on growing my relationship with the intended parents, caring for my health as I navigated a twin pregnancy, and supporting my own family. After the birth of the babies, Amber reassured me whenever I felt anxious about my milk production for the twins. Her experience as a lactation professional was yet another benefit to working with her. Because of Amber’s care, I am willing and excited to participate in another surrogacy journey in the future.

If you have the chance to work with Amber yourself, take it. You will not be disappointed."

-Ali Rogers, former surrogate